Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So, I posted a widget. I've never done that before. I spend a lot of my time singing the music to "In the Heights" right now. It's a hard musical to learn lyrics to, because it's a lot of rap and fast paced music, but I LOVE IT. I love musicals, I love singing - it's a happy place for me. Just to sing along to music in my car and get caught up in the moments that I remember from the actual performance. So incredible.
This week has been going well so far. This was my first week to have lesson plans prepared and it's actually been nice because I've been very.... prepared! I don't have to stress in the morning during my planning period about what I'm going to do that day - I just look on my lesson plans and GO! Not such a bad deal in the end - just not fun having that to do on top of my heaping mound of paperwork! ah well.
I have started a new Bible study. It's called "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer. I am loving it so far. I am sure I'll just fall more in love as it continues. It is about our journey as Christians to our own promised lands - the place that God wants to meet us and enrich our lives far more than we could ever imagine. Oh, how I want to find that place. Sometimes I get so caught up (well alot of the time) in this world... in my life... in just going through each day - that I forget why I'm really here. I forget what my focus should be. The study has asked questions about things that hold me back from God, things that seem good - but are really just "perks" of the sinful choices I may be making. I am repeatedly convicted of one thing that I can't seem to shake. I fear this thing and yet I invite it in my life often. This "purple worm" (what a former youth minister called a sin or problem that is keeping you from growing closer to God) is materialism. There I said it. I don't have many followers, so it's not like I'm sharing it with many people - but I'm putting it out there. I am materialistic. I place too much value on the things of this world. Things that mean nothing. That cannot get me anywhere - especially anywhere with my SAVIOR - the Father who LOVES me and WANTS me and ROMANCES me. Gosh I'm silly. I'm glad that at least I realize that I need to work on this cause that'd be pretty sad if I had no idea. So yeah.... I'm working through this and hoping that with God's help I can overcome this ridiculous problem.
I think that's enough for tonight, plus I need to get to sleep - school starts bright and early.

I'm going to leave my precious readers with an interesting quote from my bible study:
"We can be sure that any good things the Enemy gives us are only intended to keep us nourished enough to continue under the yoke of his bondage."

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